Special product program
Information about our central plant clocks and timeservers

Special product program






Here you will find relevant information about our central plant clocks and timeservers, which have been tested and approved by well-known system integrators in the field of process control and industry automation systems and services.

Either you select relatively simple NTP-timeservers e.g. DTS4128S, or you might chose flexible timeservers such as DTS4138S, providing 2 independent Ethernet outputs, IRIG/AFNOR, RS232/RS485, DCF out or Time-Net (SIMATIC). DTS4148S however is a grandmaster clock including PTP output as well. Additionally, accessories such as GPS-antennas, lightning protection units, signal distributors, special cabling or completed timesync-sets are available off-the-shelf. In case you chose best possible availability by means of  redundant configuration via fibre optic connection in your system, necessary GBIC modules are also part of our supply program.